If you are in danger call

Call 24hr NSW Domestic Violence Line
1800 65 64 63

Call Lifeline
13 11 14

Call Mary’s House Refuge or Daisy Centre
1800 002 111

Call Mary’s House Admin
02 8937 2094

Mary’s House Walk 2024


Saying “no to domestic violence and family violence in our community.”

The Mary’s House Walk on Sunday, October 27th, was a fantastic day of community support. We were deeply honoured by the presence of Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley, Governor of New South Wales, introduced by our Chair, Helen Conway, and followed by an address from our Chief Executive, Yvette Vignando to an amazing turnout of walkers all saying no to domestic and family violence.

This year, our fundraising target is $250,000. While we didn’t quite reach our ambitious fundraising goal, we most certainly were pleased with the result (perhaps next year) and we saw a record number of participants, and their collective efforts were extraordinary.

Special congratulations to our leading fundraisers as per November 1:

  • Top Team Fundraiser: Marist Sisters’ College Woolwich
  • Top Individual Fundraiser: Rowena White

Raffle winners:

  • 1st prize: Louise Hukins
  • 2nd prize: Stephen (surname withheld for privacy)
  • 3rd prize: Kevin Lynch
  • 4th prize: Emma Kirkwood

Thank you to GoPro, TEG, Robert Timms and Honey Suckle Garden Mosman for their generous prize donations.

Thank you to everyone who joined us! A special shout-out to our Walk corporate partners, Ord Minnett and Holding Redlich, and to The Mater Hospital for sponsorship of our volunteers—we are incredibly grateful for their ongoing support.

Additionally, we extend a heartfelt thank you to all the volunteers who gave their Sunday morning to help with tasks like selling raffle tickets, acting as marshals and staffing the registration desk.

Events like our annual Walk are crucial in helping us raise awareness and the much-needed funds to continue supporting women and children fleeing domestic and family violence as well as uniting with the community to say, “No” to domestic and family abuse and violence.

Mary's House Walk 2024 video

Watch the day’s highlight from Mary’s House Walk 2024. It was a fantastic day of community support and thank you to everyone who joined us!

Save the date in your calendar

26 Oct 2025, and let’s do it again to help Mary’s House Services help more women and children!