If you are in danger call

Call 24hr NSW Domestic Violence Line
1800 65 64 63

Call Lifeline
13 11 14

Call Mary’s House Refuge or Daisy Centre
1800 002 111

Call Mary’s House Admin
02 8937 2094

Fly Me to the Moon: pre-release screening

Dear Moviegoers, friends, and family of Mary’s House Services, both old and new,

Our sincere thanks for your support of our movie event last Tuesday. Everyone loved “Fly Me to the Moon” with its familiar period storyline and so many feel-good and funny moments. 

We’re grateful for your purchases of movie tickets, your donations and raffle purchases, as well as your offers of future support.

We raised enough funds to cover 15 nights of safe accommodation for a woman at our refuge and cover 8 technology checks for cyber stalking. Your support will help us continue our vital work in women’s and children’s safety and save lives.

Thank you to the welcoming and professional team at the beautiful Hayden Orpheum Cinema.

And our warmest thanks for the generosity of the Sony Pictures team, who brought this opportunity to life for us. 

Sincere gratitude from
The Mary’s House Services team

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