If you are in danger call

Call 24hr NSW Domestic Violence Line
1800 65 64 63

Call Lifeline
13 11 14

Call Mary’s House Refuge or Daisy Centre
1800 002 111

Call Mary’s House Admin
02 8937 2094

We rely on your compassion and your determination to ensure we can continue saving lives and giving hope to women and children in our community.

Partner with Mary's House Services

At Mary’s House Services we are proud to work with passionate, like-minded organisations to raise funds to support women and children escaping domestic violence.

We work closely with our corporate partners to inspire and empower them to make a difference in the domestic violence space. We aim to create long-lasting and mutually beneficial relationships that are truly memorable, and help each organisation see the direct impact of their support when working with Mary’s House Services.

Ways for your organisation to partner with Mary's House Services

Corporate Donation

Make an exclusive donation to Mary’s House Services to help enable the financial stability and ongoing costs needed to keep the refuge running.


Through offering certain products or services in-kind, you can help to ensure the women and children who come through our doors receive all the necessities needed in this transition period.

Workplace Giving

Join or start your own Workplace Giving Program and match your employee’s donation to double the impact for women and children escaping domestic violence.

For more information or to join our corporate supporters, please contact Janine, our Philanthropy and Communications Manager at janinew@maryshouse.org.au

Education and advocacy support
Invite us to speak at your next event

Our valued supporters

We are proud to partner with a number of organisation in our mission to offer hope, compassion and safety to women and children who have experienced domestic violence and abuse.

Thank you to our major supporters and pro-bono partners :

Mary’s House Services receives no government funding, relying solely on the community for financial support.

With your help, we can empower women and their children to recover and rebuild their lives - and you will also be helping us to save lives.